Links and articles on the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) 


In English

A Small Circle of Friends:  

Larry Pratt, the Council for Inter-American Security and International Fascist Networks by Tom Burghardt

Antifa Info- Bulletin: International Fascist Networks  

...Under Pearson's tutelage, WACL added Western European chapters that were drawn from the ranks of Nazi war criminals, Third Reich collaborators, neo-Nazis and right-wing terrorists. 


By Tom Burghardt ( Thu, 14 Mar 1996 order to fully appreciate the sinister nature of the Council for Inter-American Security, Pratt's involvement and his broader links to international fascist networks, there is another organization, also little explored by "mainstream" media, which deserves our attention, the World Anti-Communist League.

CIS AND WACL: A Marriage Made in Hell


State Terror and the School of the Americas By Tom Burghardt Editor, Antifa Info-Bulletin

San Jose Mecury Dark Alliance Article and related materials

The ASC and the World Anti-Communist League -  

The American Security Council not only has ties to the aggressively pro-military network warned of by Senator Fulbright, but ASC is also one of the key U.S. links to the World Anti-Communist League (WACL). The League, described extensively in a 1986 book, , is an umbrella group for Latin American death squad leaders, Hitler collaborators, followers of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, rightist dictatorships, and anti-Semitic activists

David Emory : Radio Free America

RFA1 -- Hidden History of the Cold War: Looking Back from 1984, Part 1 This broadcast examines international fascism as a reaction to the founding of the Soviet Union and how this development led to World War II. The program focuses on the critical support American industrialists and financiers gave to Hitler's Germany and how this affected the allied military policy during the war as well as the incorporation of the Third Reich's intelligence forces into the CIA at the conflict's conclusion.

Nazis in Suits: C-FAR and CAFE Exposed

NAZIS IN SUITS: PAUL FROMM & THE FAR RIGHT Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform and the Canadian Association for Free Expression -- EXPOSED! PAUL FROMM -- Racist, Anti-Semite -- and History Teacher? After years of teaching high school history in the

Religion in Politics - BRINGING IN THE KINGDOM

A lengthy article on the evangelicals, the death squads, and the moonies.

Friendly Dictators

Many of the world's most repressive dictators have been friends of America. Tyrants, torturers, killers, and sundry dictators and corrupt puppet-presidents have been aided, supported, and rewarded handsomely for their loyalty to US interests.

El Salvador CIA's greatest hits

El Salvador from the book The CIA's Greatest Hits by Mark Zapezauer The fourteen families who rule El Salvador have never been squeamish about taking the life of anyone who gets in their way. Among the many people who commonly get in their way are

A look at The Heritage Foundation

In the 1970s, Weyrich and Coors made appointments and set up political contacts on Capitol Hill for Franz Joseph Strauss, Bavarian head of state who helped emigre Nazi collaborators. Another fascist, Roger Pearson, writer and organizer for the Nazi Northern League of northern Europe, joined the editorial board of Policy Review, the monthly Heritage publication in 1977. The Coors Connection notes in a caption under an illustration of Pearson's Eugenics And Race: "Dr. Roger Pearson's racialist theories are circulated worldwide by neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations." The Heritage Foundation

From: (NLG Civil Liberties Committee)

In the name of anti-communism, it [the WACL] has embraced those responsible for death squads, apartheid, torture, and the extermination of European Jewry. Along the way, it has repudiated democratic government as a viable alternative, either to govern or to combat communism.

In the name of anti-communism, it [the WACL] has embraced those responsible for death squads, apartheid, torture, and the extermination of European Jewry. Along the way, it has repudiated democratic government as a viable alternative, either to govern or to combat communism.

Bay Area Coalition for Our Reproductive Rights (BACORR) 750 La Playa # 730 San Francisco, California 94121

Recent allegations of anti-Semitism and racism leveled against Larry Pratt, a national co chairman of the Buchanan for President campaign committee, is an intriguing example of media obfuscation and "truth" on the half-shell. That Pratt addressed the 1992 "Christian Men's Meeting," organized by notorious Christian Identity racist, Pete Peters, is an established fact. That Pratt shared the platform with Aryan Nations fuhrer Richard Butler and "former" Klan "Grand Dragon," Louis Beam, the neo-Nazi architect of "leaderless resistance," is incontestable.

The Consortium  

Dark Side of Rev. Moon: Truth, Legend & Lies By Robert Parry

Scenes from the Postwar Reemergence of the Nazi Party 

By Alex Constantine

Ultraconservatives place rhetorical emphasis on "character," a quality all too often absent within their own ranks. An oracal of the militias, Willis A. Carto, is the publisher of Spotlight, a populist newspaper that backed Patrick Buchanon for president and has attempted, since its inception, to emasculate the United Nations. Carto was the protege of Francis Parker Yocky, indicted for sedition during WW II. Yocky's indictment included charges of generously supporting the Nazi Party under Hitler. Carto's organization was one of five "Liberty Lobbies" founded in 1957 at the first WACL conference in Mexico City. The faction known today as the Liberty Lobby was originally run by a steering committee of rad Right leaders, among them:

Major Gen. Charles A. Willoughby - real name: Adolf Tscheppe Weidenbach, born in Heidelberg, Germany in 1892, a Nazi agent in the Army Supreme Command; Army Intelligence chief under Douglas MacArthur in Korea; "security director" of the Shickshinny Knights of Malta. Willis A. Carto - Treasurer and founder. Major General Edwin A. Walker - US Army, John Birch Society. Lt. Col. Philip Corso (ret) - US Army Intelligence under Willoughby/Weidenbach. Robert Morris - Birch Society, American Security Council (ASC), Young Americans for Freedom. Senator Strom Thurmond (D-S.C.) - Since, a "defector to the Republican Party, still a Senator at the age of 94. Otto Etepka - Director of Security Evaluations, State Department. Senator James O. Eastland (D-Miss.) - Director of internal security in the U.S. Senate.

A profusion of bridges were erected by the Liberty Lobby to German Nazis. Edwin Walker, who once stated in a radio interview that "[Jack] Ruby's name was Rubenstein," was the coeval of Gerhard Frey, publisher of the Neo-Nazi Deutsche National-Zeitung und Soldaten-Zeitung. A bosom ally of Maj. Gen Willoughby/Weidenbach, Theodor Oberlander, was the German commander of the Ukraine's Nightingales during the war and wrote for Frey's newspaper.


by David Lethbridge

From the beginning, WACL has been "largely a collection of Nazis, Fascists, anti-Semites, sellers of forgeries, vicious racialists, and corrupt self-seekers." These are the words of Geoffrey Stewart-Smith, a former member of the WACL, who left the organization in disgust. Indeed, members of the WACL have included Giorgio Almirante, an official in Mussolini's government and a leader of the neo-fascist MSI; Chirila Ciunti, a member of the Romanian Iron Guard; Ivan Docheff, leader of the Nazi-collaborationist Bulgarian National Union; Heinrich Hartle, an official of the Hitler Youth; Dimitri Kasmowich, a police chief operating under the Nazis in Byelorussia; Yaroslav Stetsko, a leader of Ukrainian nationalists allied to Hitler; and dozens of similar fascists throughout the world.

Lest we forget: IRAN-CONTRA Trading Cards: 07 Retired Army Major General JOHN SINGLAUB

Retired U.S. Major General John Kirk Singlaub was a key player in the privatization of the contra war. Through his chairmanship of the world Anti-Communist League (WACL) and its U.S. chapter, the U.S. Council for World Freedom (USCWF), he enlisted paramilitary groups, foreign governments, and American conservatives in the contra cause. WACL fund-raising events, featuring speakers such as Adolfo Calero (see card #4), helped to provide the contras with weapons, money, and training. The WACL organization's membership includes Latin American dictators, death squad leaders, and neo-fascists.

Linda Wayne's Listing of the Canadian Far-Right  

...LeBoutillier, John Accuracy in Academia president US Congress former member World Anti-Communist League leader '85




17 - Chiang Kai-Shek CHIANG KAI-SHEK  

gave the World Anti-Communist League, an international organization with links to Nazis, drug smugglers and the CIA, its first home.



In German

In Germany the WACL is well known for its relations with the conservative parties, the CDU and the CSU, especially with the CSU.

Wahre Eltern und göttliche Prinzipien  

...Eine weitere Organisation der Munbewegung ist die WACL (World Anti Communist League), zu deren Mitgliedern u.a. Otto Habsburg gehört. Die WACL, 1990 in "World League for Freedom and Democracy" umbenannt, wurde zu Beginn des Kalten Krieges in Taiwan "unter Beteiligung westlicher Geheimdienste" (vgl. Die rassistische Achse nach Südafrika; Antifaschistisches Presse Archiv Wien, Juni 1994) gegründet; ihre Kontakte reichen bis in die ÖVP. 

Die Helfer der "Killer im Zweireiher"

Die "Antikommunistische Weltliga", die weltweit Todesschwadrone, Drogenschmuggler, Contras und Rechtsradikale unterstützt, tagt derzeit in Genf / Die Organisation, deren Aktivisten nach Gerichtsbeschluß auch "Killer im Zweireiher" genant werden können, verfügt in der BRD über beste Beziehungen zu CDU und CSU

Wider die Kommunistenfresser

Proteste gegen "Antikommunistische Weltliga" in Genf / CSU-MdB schickte offiziellen Vertreter

Genf (taz) - Rund 800 Menschen - eine für Genfer Verhältnisse hohe Zahl - demonstrierten am Samstag gegen den 21.Jahreskongreß der antikommunistischen Weltliga (siehe taz v.27.8)

Kommunistenfresser in Genf

Jahreskongreß der Antikommunistischen Weltliga begann in Genf Hotel von Privatpolizei gesichert / Gegendemonstration am Samstag

Die Rolle der USA

Philippinischer Kongreß untersucht die Hintergründe des Putschversuchs unter Führung des Oberst Honasan

Birma-betr.: Tagesthemenseite Birma, taz vom 13.8.88 

betr.: Tagesthemenseite Birma, taz vom 13.8.88


Suggestions to this list please e-mail to:


Following are the two major right wing parties in Germany with historic links to the WACL, particularly the CSU, and an internet link to conservative/reactionary parties and groups in Germany:




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